Friday, October 22, 2010

Understanding the Doshas in Ayurveda: No Checklist Required.

In Ayurveda, understanding the doshas is the first step in restoring your equilibrium and ultimately good health.  Ayurveda believes that the five elements (ether, air, fire, water, and earth) exist in all living things.  Each dosha consists of a different combination of these elements.  The Vata dosha is composed of ether/air; Pitta is fire/water; and Kapha is earth/water.  It is the dominance of any one, two, or three of these doshas that makes up your Prakruti, your individual constitution established at birth and maintained throughout your life. While the three doshas are always present, one is usually dominant.  Sometimes two are equally present; rarely do all three coexist in equal proportions.  Your doshas are cited numerically in relation to each other.  For example, Vata-3, Pitta-3, and Kapha-1 means that you are equally Vata and Pitta and to a lesser extent Kapha. 

If your doshas are not the same as your Prakruti, there is imbalance.  Ayurveda believes that an imbalance in the doshas is a precursor to disease.  Hence, the doshas act as a protective barrier or a warning signal. Any imbalance is called Vikruti.  You must be aware of the imbalance in order to take steps to restore equilibrium.  Adopting an Ayurvedic lifestyle may be the first step in transforming your health and life. 

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