Monday, October 25, 2010

Ayurveda: Scrape Your Tongue Daily to Remove Impurities.

Waking up with a white film on your tongue?  The ancient science of Ayurveda sees a build-up of toxins in your body and advocates cleaning your tongue daily before breakfast.  And a toothbrush won’t do.  All a toothbrush does is stir up bacteria; it doesn’t remove it.  And unless you are changing your toothbrush frequently, its wet surface harbors a myriad of bacteria.  In Ayurveda, you scrape your tongue from back to front with a U-shaped tongue scraper (Google Ayurveda and tongue scraper and your choices will be endless) 7-14 times.  Not only does tongue scraping stimulate digestion, your taste buds are ready to go.  If you can’t taste your food, you will tend to overeat as you continually feel unsatisfied.  Cleaning the tongue is also important in Chinese medicine where the tongue’s surface is considered a reflexogenic zone.  As in reflexology, your organs and entire body can be located in specific regions on the tongue.  By cleaning the tongue, you are messaging your internal organs and enhancing the detoxification process.  Tongue bacteria also contribute to periodontal problems including tooth decay, gum recession and eventually tooth loss.  So, freshen your mouth and improve your health by cleaning your tongue today. 

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