Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Ayurveda: Drink from a Copper Cup.

Purify and balance your body every morning by drinking water from a copper cup.  Fill your cup in the evening, let it sit overnight and drink from it the next morning.  The overnight soak allows the water to absorb pure copper, which is an important mineral for your body.  Drinking water after you wake up washes the GI tract, flushes the kidneys, and stimulates peristalsis (bowel movement).  Drinking water with traces of copper can change any tendency to attract respiratory problems including asthma.  It also purifies the blood and promotes a healthy complexion.  Compare this to starting your day with a cup of Joe which drains your kidneys, places stress on your adrenals, can cause constipation and is addictive.  Copper does require regular cleaning.  Clean your copper cup the holistic way with a mixture of flour, salt, and vinegar; lemon or lime juice; or tamarind.  Make simple changes to your morning routine and reap the rewards of perfect health.

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