Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Ayurveda: Don't Vex your Vata.

The vata dosha is aggravated by the wind.
In Ayurveda, the doshas are protective barriers against disease.  We are a combination of the three doshas:  vata, pitta, and kapha.  If our current doshic profile or vikruti is the same as our doshic profile at birth or prakruti, this state is known as health.  If our vikruti is different from our prakruti, however, this is evidence of some imbalance in our body, mind or spirit.  If the cause of the imbalance is prolonged or intense, the imbalanced dosha can affect our bodily tissues and according to Ayurveda, this is the beginning of the disease process.  Being aware of the natural order of things within our body will enable us to recognize when things are out of balance.

The vata dosha is most closely aligned in nature with the air element.  Its primary function in our body is movement.  Certain qualities constitute the vata dosha:  dry, light, cold, rough, subtle, mobile, and clear.  If these qualities are aggravated, then an imbalance in the vata dosha occurs.  Some examples of the causes of a vata imbalance include:  bitter, pungent, and astringent foods; dry, uncooked food; insufficient food intake; rapid eating; over-stimulation; suppression of natural urges; late nights; prolonged loud talk; too many activities; overexertion; prolonged grief, fear, worry, or loneliness; excessive sexual activity; the autumn season; dawn and dusk; 5-6 hours after a meal; and excessive exposure to cold or wind.

Ayurveda teaches us to first identify and treat the cause.  Treating the cause with its opposite is generally the most effective method of treatment.  For instance, if you stay up late for too many nights, you may become anxious and worried and develop insomnia, all of which contribute to an imbalance in your vata dosha.  Treating the cause with its opposite, namely, a reasonable bedtime (10:00 pm) and a regular nighttime routine will restore balance.  The turmoil associated with insomnia, excessive worry and anxiety will begin to dissipate.  Ayurveda considers our body to be the greatest source of intelligence.  We just need to listen.

Source:  Ayurveda Lecture, Ayurvedic Studies Program Level 1, Student Manual 2010-2011, The Ayurvedic Press, 2010.

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