Thursday, December 30, 2010

A Cancer Fighting Duo: Turmeric and Cauliflower.

Turmeric (also known as curcumin) is known as a wonder spice with many health benefits.  A Rutgers University research team found that the curry spice turmeric holds potential for both prevention and treatment of prostrate cancer, the second leading cause of cancer-related death among men in the United States.  When combining a phytochemical (phenethyl isothiocyanate) common in cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, brussel sprouts, kale and turnips with turmeric in lab studies, the combination was not only effective in reducing tumor growth but also the spreading of cancer cells.  The study appeared in the January 15, 2006, issue of the Journal of Cancer Research.  The research team noted a high level of prostrate cancer in the U.S. as compared to India, which it attributed a larger consumption of plant-based foods rich in phytochemicals such as cauliflower and broccoli along with turmeric.  In Ayurvedic medicine, turmeric holds a high place as a “cleanser of the body.” 

For an article written by a man who was diagnosed with prostrate cancer and immediately made health changes to his diet that helped him transform his life, see CNBC's Men's Health Section.  Check out the following link for a simple recipe of sauteed cauliflower with turmeric.

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