Monday, July 4, 2011

Wrinkles Be Gone! Keep your Forehead Young, Tight and Radiant with Kapalabhati Breathing.

By age 25, many people show the first signs of aging when little wrinkles appear on the forehead.  Regular practice of the kapalabhati breathing technique will keep your forehead young, tight and radiant.  Sanskrit terms, kapala means skull or forehead and bhati means shine or light. Loosely translated, kapalabhati is “skull shining breath”.   It is a vigorous cleansing exercise that bathes the brain in fresh blood and oxygenizes all of the cells in the body. It also cleanses the lungs and respiratory system.  With its emphasis on the exhalation, it enhances the ability of the lungs to expel wastes and toxins.  In most breathing exercises, inhalation is active and exhalation passive.  Kapalabhati reverses this pattern.  A miraculous breathing technique, it was developed by the yogis thousands of years ago for complete fitness.  Proponents believe it cures many diseases including:  (1)  respiratory conditions such as asthma, allergies, and sinus conditions; (2) diseases of the heart, lungs, and brain; (3) blockages in the arteries and elevated cholesterol; (4) female conditions such as uterine and breast cancer; (5) Parkinson’s disease, liver cirrhosis, hepatitis B with devoted practice; (6) snoring and sinusitis; (7) depression and (8) obesity.  Swami Ramdev claims it can used to control cancer when combined with the anuloma viloma (the alternate nostril breathing technique).

An energizing and vigorous breathing technique, it should be learned from an experienced practitioner and it is also advisable to check with your physician before beginning any pranayama (breathing) practice.  High blood pressure and heart conditions are the most common contraindications, but there are others.  Starting with 3-5 minutes a day, you can work up to 5 minutes daily and eventually 15-20 minutes.  Chronic ailments require a minimum of 15 minutes.  Check out this video on YouTube for a demonstration of kapalabhati, a breathing technique for optimum health.

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