Thursday, February 17, 2011

Yoga and the Breath: The Body's Built-In Stress Reliever

In yoga, we coordinate our movement with breath, inhaling when the body expands and exhaling when it contracts.  The difference between exercise and yoga is the breath.  The breath is considered to be the bridge between our body and mind.  Breath awareness allows the mind to become steady and strong and increases awareness (the ability to “live in the now”). 

The benefits of breathing in a yoga posture include: (1) increases focus on the pose; (2) improves overall concentration; (3) helps eliminate stress; (4) calms emotions; and (5) improves physical coordination.

Most of us breathe shallowly; depriving our bodies of oxygen while insufficient exhalation causes toxins to build up in the body.  In yoga, we learn how to use a three-part breath to engage the lungs in the abdominal, intercostal and sub-clavicle regions. 

Unlike modern medicine, which is largely based on disease and treatment, yoga encourages us to improve our health and vitality.  Regular practice of yogic breathing techniques will calm and relax the mind.  A recent NPR piece promotes the breath not only as the body’s built-in stress reliever, but also as scientifically proven to affect the heart, brain, digestion and immune function.  “And the best part is that the ingredients are free and literally under your nose.” 

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