Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Ayurveda: The Healing Power of Ghee.

In Ayurvedic cooking, ghee is used in place of olive, canola and other oils (with the exception of safflower oil).  Ghee is clarified butter and is prepared by cooking unsalted butter (preferably organic) at low temperature until the milk solids separate and water evaporates.  You will know that it is ready when you no longer hear a crackling sound (meaning that the water has evaporated). After straining it through a cheesecloth or fine sieve (the milk curds should remain in the pot), you can easily store your liquid gold on the counter in a glass jar.

In Ayurveda, cooking with ghee is considered to be good for your whole body.  Ghee assists your body in absorbing essential nutrients.  It is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and it provides powerful disease-fighting antioxidants. It naturally lubricates connective tissues, improving flexibility.  It heals the digestive tract keeping it well-lubricated, thereby alleviating constipation while reducing flatulence and bloating (all symptoms of aggravated vata dosha).  Ghee is said to be helpful for learning as it improves memory retention.  On a more subtle level, its sweet taste promotes satisfaction leading to a feeling of contentment after a meal.  The more beautiful you will also praise ghee for its ability to improve the health of your eyes, skin and hair. 

What about cholesterol? While ghee is a saturated fat, the milk fats are separated during cooking.  It is a lactose free food and should be easily tolerated by individuals with lactose intolerance.  Ayurveda believes that in order to remain healthy, you need both saturated and unsaturated fats in your diet.  While ghee can elevate cholesterol, it elevates the good (HDL) and not the bad cholesterol (LDL).  If you struggle with your weight or have high cholesterol, you should consult with a physician before incorporating ghee into your diet. 

Ayurveda believes that food is medicine and medicine is food.  Do not discount the healing properties of ghee, Ayurveda’s liquid gold.

1 comment:

Carlos Cruz said...

Your cooking? Looks tasty...